Hybridity in Systemic Functional Linguistics: Grammar, Text and Discursive Context
Mar 19
Title: Hybridity in Systemic Functional Linguistics
Subtitle: Grammar, Text and Discursive Context
Publication Year: 2016
Publisher: Equinox Publishing Ltd
Book URL: https://www.equinoxpub.com/
Editor: Donna R. Miller
Editor: Paul Bayley
Hardback: ISBN: 9781781790649 Pages: 408 Price: U.S. $ 110 Comment: £70
The term ‘hybridity’ has been around for a long time and, for most of its
history of use, has been pressed into the most disparate – and often dubious –
services. In recent times it has become a sort of transdisciplinary ‘buzz
word’ and it was about time that Systemic Functional Linguistics (SFL) also
raised its voice on the subject.
This volume addresses the increasingly typical hybrid nature of text and
discourse. In an SFL perspective, this also means that cultural and
situational contexts must be seen as being always potentially hybrid or, as
Hasan has fittingly put it, ‘permeable’, such permeability being based on the
powerful activation/construal dialectic between discursive situation and
language, system and instance. The authors of the papers in this collection
variously focus on hybridity within sociocultural contexts in which discourse
occurs, investigate hybridity of discourse types (in a wide range of genres,
registers, text-types, etc.), but also examine hybridity within the stratum of
lexicogrammar itself. Moreover, the implications of hybridity for education
and the professions are explored. The volume makes plain the multifaceted
complexity of the phenomenon, as well as its rich potential as a theoretical
construct in SFL.
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