A Systemic-functional Approach to a Variety of Discourse: An Illustration of Genre and Register in British National Newswriting

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Title: A Systemic-functional Approach to a Variety of Discourse
Subtitle: An Illustration of Genre and Register in British National Newswriting
Series Title: LINCOM Studies in Communication 12

Publication Year: 2015
Publisher: Lincom GmbH

Book URL: http://bit.ly/21Cy6dk

Author: María José González Rodríguez

Paperback: ISBN:  9783862886784 Pages: 39 Price: Europe EURO 38.80


The language of newspapers is usually explored by linguists because it is undoubtedly the most widely genre read in Western countries. Systemic linguistics provides useful tools for analyzing newswriting, identifying grammatical and lexical elements that are functional for achieving particular purposes in media discourse. The aim of this study is to explore to what extent situational and cultural context determines the linguistic features used in British national newswriting. More specifically, through a systemic functional approach to language, we illustrate how the most distinctive feature of news discourse, the lead, is itself structured for a particular use and how register variables impact into that language use.

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